Jennifer Reynolds has been with Hantzmon Wiebel for 14 years. She started in the assembly area and became the Administrative Assistant for several partners “a long time ago.”
Over the years, she has seen our Firm grow to meet the changing needs of our clients and industry. She says she sees our focus on the strategic and advisory needs, not just compliance.
Jennifer and her husband Josef have one daughter, Destiny, who is a freshman at Fluvanna County High School. They live outside the gates at Lake Monticello and have two dogs, Duke, who is a pit bull, and Daisy, who is a beagle.
She grew up in Gordonsville and her family is still nearby. In fact, her mom regularly brings her breakfast and leftovers for her lunch.
“I’m spoiled rotten,” says Jennifer. But, she also explains that the leftovers won’t get eaten and this prevents them from going bad. It’s a win-win.
When she is not at the softball field with Destiny, she enjoys shows like NCIS and The Voice. Her claim to fame is her father-in-law who plays guitar for the Dave Matthews Band.
At work, her favorite memories focus on the Day of Caring events. “I love going to nursing homes and playing bingo with the residents. They’re funny. They’re serious about their bingo!” says Jennifer.
She also enjoys her friends here and has developed a special bond with several people.
Nonprofit Insights