Take the Next Right Step

Step 1: Create a Business Plan

Read More: SBA “Write Your Business Plan” 

Step 2: Choose a Name and Register a Domain

Read More: SBA “Choose Your Business Name”

Step 3: Select Trusted Advisors (CPA & Attorney)

Read More: “How to Find the Right Small Business Tax Advisor for Your Business” 

Step 4: Clarify Your Business Plan and Budget

Step 5: Choose Ownership Entity

Step 6:  Register Your Business & Obtain a Business License

Read More: SBA “Register Your Business” 

Step 7: Identify Tax Filing Requirements

Read More: SBA “Pay Taxes”

Step 8: Open a Bank Account

Read More: Forbes “Planning Ahead: Banking for Your Startup and Yourself”

Step 9: Set Up a Social Media Profiles and a Website

Read More: SBA “5 Tips to Make Your Small Business Social Media Savvy” 

Step 10: Capitalize

Read More: SBA “Fund Your Business” 

Step 11: Insure Your Business

Read More: SBA “Get Business Insurance”

Step 12: Choose Your Location

Read More: SBA “Pick Your Business Location”

Step 13: Prepare Bookkeeping/Accounting System

Read More: 

SBA “Manage Your Finances” 

Inc.com “How to Choose Business Accounting Software”

Step 14: Set Up Payroll

Read More: SBA “Hire and Manage Employees”

Step 15: Work Your Network

SBA “8 Tips for Building Your Business Support Network”