Business Valuation
When Hantzmon Wiebel performs a business valuation, we look at more than the numbers. That’s because the real value of your business is you, your employees, processes, and intellectual property, along with the value you deliver to your customers. Assessing these elements requires specific, subjective judgment and skills.
In addition to valuing closely held businesses, our valuation professionals are particularly adept at performing Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) valuations. This requires unique expertise and experience sets us apart.
Members of the Hantzmon Wiebel valuation team are specially credentialed in the valuation arena by the AICPA, reflecting their professional competence. Of course, our training is enhanced by transactional experience, industry knowledge, and insight into the tax implications of deals, divorces, and disputes.
To provide you with the most cost-effective and useful valuation, we offer three levels of service, which follow the AICPA standards for reporting for business valuations: a calculation of value, a limited scope report, and a full valuation report. Our valuation professionals can help you determine which level of service is appropriate for your needs based on the purpose of the valuation.
Our Business Valuation Services Include:
- Gift and estate tax filings
- Divorce
- Fractional interest in undivided property
- Partner and shareholder disputes
- Financing arrangements
- Family limited partnership reporting
- C-to-S corporate conversions
For more information about our business valuation services, please contact:
Christopher C. Brubaker, CPA/ABV