Mar 8, 2021 | Blog, Business Insights and Analytics
Starting with the End in Mind In our previous article “The Value of Data,” we introduced the idea that data analytics centers around solving specific problems using smaller amounts of high value information rather than a broad analysis of all available data....
Mar 1, 2021 | Blog, Business Insights and Analytics
The Value of Data The terms data analytics and big data sound like modern buzzwords that have been thrown around so much they have lost some of their meaning. Many find the concepts abstract and overwhelming, but data becomes a powerful tool when applied correctly. In...
Mar 12, 2019 | Business Insights and Analytics, Nonprofit Insights
Nonprofit revenue is a bit different from manufacturing revenue, but you can learn something important from manufacturing industries, which is the value of carefully evaluating performance. Today it’s a first principle in virtually every factory in the world: What you...